Upcoming events.

Fire & Ice

What is fire & ice event? It is an event combining the heat of a wood burning sauna and the cold of an ice bath. This is also known as contrast therapy. For us its a great way to build community and do something fun at the same time. These events are donation based. Please reserve your spot as there are only 7 spaces available each hour.

This event will be held at a private residence in Westby WI (details available after sign up.)

Adult Recess

Adult Recess

Adult Recess!

Remember the days of open ended play? We made up our own games or played the ones passed down.

Join us for a fun filled morning of play, nature and community.

Rock and Shelby will be leading this event and will be your guides back to play. All you need to do is sign up.

  • Dates

    • Saturday June 17th, 9:00am

    • Saturday July 22, 9:00am

    • Saturday August 12, 9:00am

Location for all dates: Nakoma Park 3801 Cherokee Dr, Madison, WI 53711

Cost: $15/event

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Adult Recess

Adult Recess

Adult Recess!

Remember the days of open ended play? We made up our own games or played the ones passed down.

Join us for a fun filled morning of play, nature and community.

Rock and Shelby will be leading this event and will be your guides back to play. All you need to do is sign up.

  • Dates

    • Saturday June 17th, 9:00am

    • Saturday July 22, 9:00am

    • Saturday August 12, 9:00am

Location for all dates: Nakoma Park 3801 Cherokee Dr, Madison, WI 53711

Cost: $15/event

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Adult Recess

Adult Recess

Adult Recess!

Remember the days of open ended play? We made up our own games or played the ones passed down.

Join us for a fun filled morning of play, nature and community.

Rock and Shelby will be leading this event and will be your guides back to play. All you need to do is sign up.

  • Dates

    • Saturday June 17th, 9:00am

    • Saturday July 22, 9:00am

    • Saturday August 12, 9:00am

Location for all dates: Nakoma Park 3801 Cherokee Dr, Madison, WI 53711

Cost: $15/event

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Hoover Ball and Cookout

Hoover Ball and Cookout

Get presidential participate in a game of strength, skill and endurance. What game is this? Well Hoover Ball of course. White House physician Adm. Joel T. Boone invented the game to keep President Hoover physically fit.

No you can join in on the fun and have a hot dog too!

To learn more about the history and the rules read about it here


Please RSVP with all in your party and bring a side dish to share. Hot dogs will be provided!

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Hero’s Journey

Hero’s Journey

Inspired by the fire side chats of our hunter ancestors, Rock Hancock has put together this 10 week series for men to come together and support each other in brotherhood, to explore and learn about the 5 major archetypes and grow stronger together with group workouts. At the end of the 10 weeks the cohort will be challenged with an immersive experience representative of a modern day rite of passage.

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